What is the American Atheists National Convention?

Since 1970, American Atheists has hosted more than 40 national conventions, bringing together atheists from across the nation and the world. Our National Convention is, first and foremost, an opportunity for atheists from across our community to come together to learn from speakers and other attendees, make connections with other atheists, and celebrate the progress our community has made.

American Atheists’ National Convention creates opportunities for our members and supporters to hear from diverse voices and for visionaries, leaders, and activists to share their perspectives and their work with hundreds of attendees. The National Convention supports activists and affiliates in the host city and raises the profile of our community in places where we need to be heard.

What's the goal of the convention?

Let’s be clear on what our convention isn’t: It isn’t a bunch of atheists sitting around agreeing with each other that God doesn’t exist.

The goal is for atheists from all walks of life, from across the nation, to come together to fight for a country that is fair, equal, and more rooted in evidence and reason. We provide tools to help local activists build vibrant and sustained communities around our shared values and identity. We endeavor to raise awareness for atheism in public life throughout the nation and to ensure that no one feels like they are alone in their atheism. We demand respect and equality from our government and elected officials and will not sit idly by while religion is given more and more special treatment under the law and atheists are denigrated and shut out from the conversation.

Will the convention be streamed live?

We understand that not everyone will be able to join us in person in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to fully reproduce the convention experience as a hybrid or streamed event without missing substantial and important components of the conference.

To ensure you don’t miss out on any of the talks from our great speakers, we will be uploading all plenary speeches and panels to our YouTube channel as soon as possible following the conference.

We will continue hosting online presentations and events throughout the year and are exploring opportunities for other large-scale virtual events.

Where is the convention being held? When is it?

American Atheists’ 2025 National Convention is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from April 17–20, 2025. Optional social and charity events are held in the evening on Thursday, April 17, and main-stage programming kicks off on Friday morning, April 18. The convention takes place at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center.

Who attends the National Convention?

In past years, National Conventions have brought in between 500–1,000 attendees, with roughly half of the attendees coming from the local state and region.

Attendees reflect the diversity of our community, from activists who worked with Madalyn Murray O’Hair, the founder of American Atheists, to young students fighting against religious discrimination at their schools. We have staff and volunteers from various organizations within the broader atheist community, elected officials, educators, artists, musicians, journalists, even faith leaders. We work hard to ensure that our National Convention is welcoming and inclusive for people of all races and ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, and even religions.

Is there programming for students and young people? How should I register my kids if they are attending?

Children age 12 and younger can register for free. Young people that are 13 and older can register at the discounted student rate.

In general, presentations and sessions are appropriate for all audiences, but please be aware that our speakers may discuss sensitive topics such as human sexuality or use adult language. In general, our speakers keep their presentations “PG-13.” Presentations containing explicit material or discussions of violence, abuse, or other trauma will be indicated in the conference program to allow attendees to make informed decisions about attending them.

This year American Atheists is proud to partner with Camp Quest to offer a fun-filled childcare program at the National Convention for children ages 5 to 15. The camp includes adult supervision and fun activities during the main convention program:

  • Friday, April 18: 8:45am – 6:00pm

  • Saturday, April 19: 8:45am – 6:00pm

  • Sunday, April 20: 8:30am – 12:30pm

Times are subject to change if the conference schedule changes. Pre-registration is required. For more information click here.

What is the schedule?

Registration opens at the hotel on Thursday, April 17, at 5:00 pm. On Thursday evening, we host a Charity Pub Quiz and Game Night, with proceeds going to support a local charity.

Registration opens again at 8:00 am on Friday, April 18 and remains open throughout each day. Main stage programming begins in the morning on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Other special events including an Awards Dinner, VIP Reception, Drag Show, Member Meeting, and Service Project, take place throughout the convention. Some special events require a separate ticket.

The program also features activist training workshops and affinity group meeting spaces, which are included with convention registration.

What is the refund policy?

We know a lot can change between now and April, so we added even more flexibility to our ticket policies. You can request a refund, or transfer your ticket to another person, up to seven days before the conference starts.

I’m a Life Member; how do I register?

Life Members have been sent receive special codes to access discounted registration rates. If you haven’t received your code, please email membership@atheists.org or call us at 908-276-7300 ext. 102.

Other Questions

If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please contact the convention team at convention@atheists.org or 908-276-7300 ext. 302.